Xu, the Podcast about Emptiness
This is a musical meditation podcast, released as the Dao flows, exploring various ways we can empty our heart and mind and come in to a deeper presence with our lives while living in a busy world. Qigong teacher and musician Ryan Powell crafts a musical and spoken journey into the Dao of Emptiness. We will explore breathing and mindfulness techniques from the Qigong tradition and allow the energy of the moment flow like medicine to help us empty our over-full hearts and minds. Tune in, and let go . . .You can support the podcast by becoming a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/XuPodcast
Podcasting since 2021 • 25 episodes
Xu, the Podcast about Emptiness
Latest Episodes
Mystical Path, Ordinary Life
In this episode of Xu we explore the phrase "The Dao is not separate from daily life." Some think that an authentic spiritual path is something mystical and beyond this world, but the sages remind us that the greatest secret is that there...
Season 3
Episode 1

Mountain Body
In this episode of Xu, The Podcast about Emptiness Ryan explores the meaning behind chapter 26 of Laozi's Daodejing. What is the importance of heaviness and how can heaviness become the root of lightness? Take a journey into your Mo...
Season 2
Episode 15

Golden Light Invocation
This sacred Daoist invocation / mantra can be played to harmonize your heart mind, cleanse the space around you and infuse your life energy with the auspicious Jin Guan (golden light). You can play this on repeat in your space to cleanse ...
Season 2
Episode 14

Unity of Body and Spirit
Here we explore techniques to restore the unity of the Body and Spirit. Sometimes we get so far away from ourselves, from the present moment, from our body home. Taming the wandering mind and helping it find it's way back into the b...
Season 2
Episode 13

Slow Down ~ Snail Medicine
In this episode of Xu, Ryan takes us on a journey into the benefits of slowing down and returning to a peaceful, present life rhythm. Like a snail moving through the woods, we can all benefit from slowing down our daily rhythms and taking...
Season 2
Episode 12