Xu, the Podcast about Emptiness
This is a musical meditation podcast, released as the Dao flows, exploring various ways we can empty our heart and mind and come in to a deeper presence with our lives while living in a busy world. Qigong teacher and musician Ryan Powell crafts a musical and spoken journey into the Dao of Emptiness. We will explore breathing and mindfulness techniques from the Qigong tradition and allow the energy of the moment flow like medicine to help us empty our over-full hearts and minds. Tune in, and let go . . .You can support the podcast by becoming a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/XuPodcast
Xu, the Podcast about Emptiness
Metamorphosis w/ Niema Lightseed
Ryan Powell
Season 1
Episode 6
For hundreds of years, few have had as much connection with Emptiness as our mystic poets. These souls grew their roots deep into the rich field of Xu and found a way to draw forth inspiration and healing for their communities in flowing forms of word and poem.
This week poet and healer Niema Lightseed shares her poetic flow accompanied by Ryan's music. How do we transform through difficult times? How do we honor and love the small as well as the great? The dandelions, the mushrooms, the ants and precious bees?
visit www.thebodypoetic.com to find out more about Niema.